Keyes To Heaven - MAC Award Winners remember Eben Keyes
EBEN W. KEYES, II (1932-2003)
Eben started his career in advertising, as a copywriter and account exec. In 1977 he retired to write poetry full time. After beginning a song writing collaboration with Blair Weille, he turned his talents to writing lyrics. Eben was very facile with words. Rhymes came easily to him. And he was prolific! As a consequence of his advertising background, he was always willing to make word changes and adjustments at a moment's notice. The speed with which he wrote encouraged him to work with several composers. Besides his consummate craftmanship, all his collaborators enjoyed his infectious and extraordinary sense of humor. Four composers have songs on this recording. It is with the highest esteem for Eben, both the person and the lyricist, that we present this tribute to him for the listener.
Michael Cook
Ronald Gold
Bob Ost
Blair Weille