Last Night's Fun

Last Night's Fun

About the music

We play Irish traditional music, a music that thrives as part of communities, of ex-pats and blow-ins, around the globe. We play together a lot, in sessions and concerts and for dancing, both locally and around the world, and have done for years. This record captures how we sound, on a good night at home, when the pub’s quiet, the punters attentive, the pints are flowing, and maybe some old friends have stopped by.

Welcome. We’re glad you’re here.

About the tunes

Gan ainm / gan ainm / The Star Above the Garter (slides)
Two un-named slides from Roger Landes, followed by one of the most loveliest titles in the tradition, allegedly a reference to the physical geometry of the Order of the Garter—though we prefer to think it refers to another sort of splendid physical geometry.

The Fair Maid (song: Angie)
A song of the sort our fans have come to call a “cross-dressing sailor song.” In some versions, the girl dresses in “man’s array” in order to keep tabs on the boy, as he goes away to wa
