The Art of Spiritual War

The Art of Spiritual War

The Art of Spiritual War is a journey in time and in spirit, that chronicles the steps(we take)in life and maps out the path of the Holy warrior that is inside of us all...but first you have to be a soldier. Do not loose sight of your not loose sight of your spirit.
The Art of Spiritual War is a music CD attacking the spirit of hatred, fakeness, perverseness, profaine, procrastination, frivolousness and all the ills that life has to offer. The Art of Spiritual War is not a bridge of church and street. The Art of Spiritual War is Hip-Hop for righteous people inspiration for fathers, mothers, children and those who are left behind in the streets with no righteous outlet.

The Art of Spiritual War is the first of a trilogy of spiritual Hip-Hop CDs;
Descent/The Art of Spiritual War.
Descent/the art of spiritual war:Warriors In The Midst.
Descent/the art of spiritual war:Lyrical Reality.

DESCENT is: The spiritual warrior that we all have inside of us that we seek to be in our everyday Godly lives. Wi
