Pocket Change Philosophy

Pocket Change Philosophy

The socio-political poetics of MC Mic Crenshaw (Hungry Mob) slam headfirst into the frenetic groove-laden beats of Keith Schreiner (Auditory Sculpture, Dahlia). This is hip-hop with a conscience. Powerful and unapologetic, the lyrics and music of Suckapunch smack the listener out of life's stupor and into the moment.

An insatiable hunger for perfection seemingly drives the duo as beat-driven melodic structures and audio landscapes merge with fluid, dynamic lyricism. Employing rugged, raw energy, Crenshaw espouses verbal knowledge as Schreiner inspires thought, leaving onlookers reeling in the after-effect. It is a new breed, a fusion of hip-hop, trip-hop, break beats and even the occasional hint of atmospheric drum & bass that sets them apart.

Suckapunch emerged one fateful night about two years ago when Dahlia fan Mic Crenshaw stepped in for an ill Jennifer Folker. Lyrically freestyling over the Dahlia compositions created by Schreiner, Crenshaw captivated the crowd and Suckapunch was formed. Over the last two years, Suckapunch has continued to generate and hone their own unique sound and the project has become an equal collaboration between the unlikely pair. This 2004, the group also added guitarist Dale Morris to round out their live show.

It's a motley crew with the brawny MC flanked by the multiple-pierced guitarist and wiry electronic whiz behind the laptop, but it works. It's unconventional hip-hop, ala The Streets. The evolution of hip-hop ala European groups Prefuse-73, Bus Driver, and Dizzy Rascal. It's hip-hop, electronica, and rock providing a new backdrop for the spoken-word poet.

Suckapunch hits you in the gut and makes you like it.
