Dancing Flames

Dancing Flames

We, Danny and Farid, would be pleased to hear your opinion on our latest work “Dancing Flames”.
As the name implies, our music is an integration of our love, passion, emotion and desire for the life we all share with all its good and bad. We have attempted our very best to implement our souls into our songs. What we are trying to preach thru the touch of our instruments is simple; “To Love and to let yourself to be Loved”. Since love is a divine and yet a very universal term, that is well comprehended in any language, by any sound, within any race and/or society –rich or poor-, hence we decided that its reverberation via the sound of our “World Music” might be a thoughtful idea.
We would be delighted to introduce, what we call “our sacred songs, full of ecstasy & life” to their hunters. Having been professionals in other fields for years, we’ve both discovered music as an art of relief and transcendental joy, simply a patient, loving shoulder to cry on.
