Bliss Of Ayodhya

Bliss Of Ayodhya

Narad & Sheev musical compositions thrill so much that it automatically drifts people of all walks of life to a calm, sublime and peaceful state of mind and also radiates happiness from all to all. Although most of our songs are sang in Sanskrit ( an ancient language ), they don't need one to understand them since they send the sweetest messages which only the soul understands. Our music is made up of all sorts of musical instruments ranging from ethnic to the modern day which exhibits the beauty of sound no matter how the instrument. In fact, the sweetness in our music unite both eastern and western culture to almost a perfect harmony since we believe that our music carries a message which is understood only by the soul. It radiates a spiritual atmosphere for concentration, contemplation, meditation and dancing. The chants of mantra in our music also removes obstacles and bestows happiness and auspiciousness which everyone deserves.
