The Trip
"The Trip"
We feel it necessary to mention that locating a genre for this album was a challenge. We prefer to label the style as
"Improvisational, Eclectic A Cappella.
Dedicated to The Heart Healing of This Planet and Beyond. Welcome to the New Frontier.
Ten years of reflection and wondering if it was yet time for the release to the world. Would the world want to accept this mosaic as represented in "The Trip" and the message it carries in our souls. We feel now the time is ripe.
Rhythmical expression has been soulfully tied in with the formation of communities, healing ceremonies, and obtaining altered states of consciousness.
Light and colour have their own unique sound pattern or imprint, and these become an important factor in being sound partners in our creative design! “Sound is the intelligence of the universe”, in short we are able to connect with the universe and all the glory it has to offer us.
"The Trip" is freedom of expression in the moment. The voice and instruments therefore take on a personality all their own. All recordings have the preservation of their original form in mind, not adding tracks nor altering the purity of the voice and simple instrumentation. We hope each listen embarks you on a new experience.
MAGNIFICENT! What a trip indeed. You begin where even sound fears treading, and yet the blend absconds with the senses and only gives you back when it's done with you. Now that's some impressive Sh#t!
Donald Newsom
BBS Network, Inc.