Why Don't You Give Jesus A Try

Why Don't You Give Jesus A Try

The first track “I Like the Old Time Way” expresses how a lot of us feel today. We are getting away from some of the traditional ways that made up happy when we were growing up. The second track “Judgment Day is Near” is one that I wrote hoping that when life takes that curve in the road, you can always remember that, soon, Our Lord will be here for us. He will give us a chance to walk the Streets of Gold! Track number three, another original of mine, is close to my heart.

In the early 2000’s, I had an opportunity to visit a large orphanage in Russia, and I saw many young, homeless children who needed a chance to share and be loved. As the song says, their “Smiling Faces” can melt the coldest heart. Track number four is a song to live by each day. When you need guidance, “Just A Little Talk With Jesus” makes everything right. Yes, it does! Track number five, and the title cut written by Tom T. Hall and Miss Dixie, is the answer to it all; “Why Don’t You Give Jesus a Try”.

Well, I hope you will give Jesus a try and thanks for giving this project a listen. I have never been involved in a finer project that so much soul went into. I am more proud of this Carolina Road project than any we have done.

All of us from Carolina Road would like to dedicate this work of art to anyone out there who needs someone to turn to so they can make it through the tough days we are facing. Whether it is the high gas prices, loved ones far away fighting to keep peace, or wondering how to pay for that next meal, we are all in this together. Together, with the Lord’s help, we can come out a winner every time.
Lorraine Jordan
