Down To Us

Down To Us

Patrick began playing the Uilleann pipes years ago, around 1970, after befriending the celebrated piper Liam O’Flynn at the Philadelphia Folk Festival. With Liam as helper, he found a set of Rowsome pipes in a bar in New York and, smitten with Irish music, set off on a long road of adventure as a piper, pipe-maker, and music producer. Cathy armed herself with the fiddle in 1979 and joined the journey. Together we have been involved in Irish music for three decades, on both sides of the great pond.

It has been amazing to witness traditional music return to the fore, full blown and recognized the world over. We consider ourselves lucky to have spent time in Ireland, before the current Irish music boom, with some of the eminences of Irish music: Seamus Ennis, Tommy Reck, Martin “Junior” Crehan, Tommy McCarthy, Sr., Martin Rochford, Joe Ryan, and John Kelly Sr., to name a just a few. Sadly, they are gone, but they still live in our hearts and memory. Many young players do not realize that in the 1960s and early 1970s music sessions were seldom held inside a pub. Publicans scorned the playing of “that bog man’s music” in their establishments. A generation of Irish musicians kept their music alive in their homes when their art was little-appreciated. It was within these gentle spaces that often we were received, befriended, and taught tunes.

For the twenty years since we left New England for North Carolina, we’ve tried to create in our home the same musical welcome we were shown in Ireland. Our trailer in Chapel Hill was the humble site of many a session and lesson, as well as much merriment.

In 2007 we retired to Spruce Pine, a small town in Blue Ridge Mountains. Recently, the mirror informed us that we are now the age of our mentors when we first met them! Time to make a recording; the hour is getting late. So, here’s to the musicians who have nourished our musical spirits. It is to them that we dedicate this recording and hope that you like the music that was handed Down to Us.

Pat and Cathy (for more about us, check out our website:

We especially dedicate these tunes to the memory of our dear friend and fellow musician, Michael R. Shorrock (1954-2007).

“I put it on straight away and the sound is beautiful, I love the sound of C-- it makes you listen. Great tunes,
great stuff.” Pat Egan of Chulrua

"My copy of the CD was waiting for me when I arrived home after the” Southern California Tionol”. I put it on while we ate Monday evening. It was great to hear Pat & Cathy playing together - and so well too. Lovely tune selection, pace and over all feel." Patrick D’Arcy

"I have been listening to this CD more and more over the weekend. The solo performance by Pat on Aisling Ghael is superb plus Cathy’s fiddle solo, a selection of West Clare Jigs is remarkable" Ed Harrison
