“Responsibilities is both charming and intriguing . . . In fact, part of the appeal is that Saum has seemingly become one of the wise beggars, hermits or fools so beloved by Yeats â€" the simple but wise beggar who incongruously tosses out unexpected, profound insights . . . Responsibilities scores with such jolting juxtapositions: as the jaunty, Beatles-like pop of ‘September 1913,’ the Doors-like electric guitar and organ of ‘The Realists,’ and the doo-wop pop feel of ‘The Cold Heaven.’”
Rick deYampert
The News-Journal
Daytona, Florida
“A new world of beauty and wonder . . .”
Blair Jackson
Author of Garcia: An American Life, Going Down the Road: A Grateful Dead Traveling Companion, Senior Editor Mix Magazine.
“Doug Saum is a resident of Reno Nevada who has compiled several CDs in which he has put the poetry of William Butler Yeats into song. His renditions of the poems capture the essence of the work of Yeats. Many have previously sought in vain to do this, and Saum has succeeded.”