On Revelation:The System
First and foremost I would like to acknowledge God, My heavenly father and my Lord Jesus Christ for the auction of the Holy Spirit, for my life, for the supernatural vision, for the Rhema word of revelation, and for the voice, favor, love, grace, strength and divine provision.
I also appreciate Grace international church, pastor Ben & Jackie Oraka , my family & sisters (Boipelo), Brothers and sisters in the faith, Christone productions(One up),Independent records, Studio producer (Sadaye Nou SDn.BHO - Arman Azaidi)
Thanks for the love and support, to everybody who has encouraged me , collaborated and contributed to make this project a success, for your prayers not forgetting featured artists and singers ; Peace, Lorraine, Backs Aldo, One -Up(Thabs),Kesego, Adam and chedza. I'm really grateful and overwhelmed with gratitute. Glory be to God
I also thank God, for the power to defeat the enemy and to overcome challenges. I appreciate my homies from Motwon (Moleps), Dominic(Updor), Tebogo(E-pac), Solomon, L