All Mixed Out

All Mixed Out

This album is the first of many MIX Music albums to come. Ryan M. Smith, the solo artist that goes by the stage name of MIX, started creating the album two years prior to its release. The project started with a spark of simple curiosity which turned into a large project that culminated into the diverse album that is All Mixed Out.

The name of the album speaks volumes to the music that it encompasses. The project started off with the track entitled ‘Running River’. Once the track was finished, MIX was left with many more unfinished ideas, so the music making continued. The defining idea from which MIX developed his music was that music is diverse, but no single artist or band truly attempts to incorporate a diverse variety of music into a single album. Why not make an album in which each track has its own idea and defining feel? Why not have multiple genres in the album? Do not get me wrong, this is not a new concept in music but to be able to make an album, as a solo artist, that spans many genres a
