Mixre Presents : The Man Made Complication

Mixre Presents : The Man Made Complication

Evan Gillis AKA Mixre (Pronouced Mix-Ree) is a 17 year old hip-hop artist from Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Like any other young artist, Mixre’s number one focus is getting his name out there. Starting from scratch, Mixre purchased his first set of turntables in January 2004. He was taught about the basics of turntables from DJ Lee Fraser, who is another experienced DJ from Cape Breton. He took the knowledge that Lee had given to him and started progressing on his own by dj’ing at weddings, teen dances & other live shows. To this date, Mixre has not performed at any live hip-hop shows since is there is none that take place in his area but he plans to in the near future else where. Evan has been djing now for over 4 years and has no plans to stop. In 2005, he realized this was something he really wanted to stick with and he took his knowledge to another level and decided that he really wanted to be a part of hip-hop music. He started writing his own songs in 2005 after meeting another young artist from Nova Scoti
