God's Flower Garden

God's Flower Garden

DeLon is a voting member of the Country Music Association(CMA). He has been a member since 2002.

GOD's Flower Garden is DeLon's second country/Gospel album and his sixth published album, including five country albums. The album was released in January. 2012 and is doing very well with the singles that are being played by DJ's on the "INDEPENDENT"(INDIE") stations along with songs from his country albums.

Please check out his other albums, which are all found on this cdbaby web-site: "TRADITIONAL COUNTRY", released in 1997; "HIGHWAYS OF LIFE", released in 2002; "GIT", released in 2007; "HEART TO HEART", released in 2008; "HE'S MY ALL IN ALL", released in 2009; and "JUST FOR YOU", released in June, 2012.

Towards the end of 2015, DeLon has established a youtube channel, consisting of 80+ songs/video. You will be able to listen to his versions of these past classic hit songs by visiting the following web-site:

