“There has to be more to life than being another brick in the proverbial 9 to 5 wall,” exclaimed Brad several years ago. “Life just must be more than following fads, compressing people into labels, and keeping up with the Joneses. I deeply sense it!”
So, Brad went searching… searching through meditation, yoga, self-help books, journaling, and – especially – songwriting. And, those close will tell you that his journeys have paid off, providing him with inner happiness, contentment, a love of living, and songs dipped in the profound aspects of the human condition.
His first three releases – using the band name A Year From Monday – contained songs asking listeners to: cast aside judgment and embrace people from all skips of life, tread in others’ soles before criticizing others’ actions, pursue one’s passion to blossom one’s bliss, deal with painful issues to venture beyond pain’s binds, and care less what others think of you and more of what you think of you.
Now, with his latest release Ameruka – and first as The Brad Sound – he continues some of those same themes, but also asks listeners to: strive for equality in relationships, send love rather than negative energy to people, issues, or events that are troubling, and take the decent into inner darkness as a means to remove obstacles in the way of pure elation.
“My desire is for my music to help listeners in some profound way regardless of where they’re at in their personal odysseys. Yes, I’m an idealist and an optimist as often as possible, for what better way is there to fully enjoy all facets of humanity and life on Earth.
1] i particularly like savasana for ameruka. i wish you the best of luck in your artistic endeavors. L&L, spod ***
2] your music is very sweet...refreshing...thanks for sharing...you have some wonderful things to convey with your sound...blessings...S. ***
3] thank you b! i'm digging your sound! very nice!! Eye/Sea ***
4] I love, love, love your profile and what you have to say. I am actually going to reference your page in a blog because I liked what you had to say much!
Peace to you Soul Brother
Anna ***
5] I love your music and your message. There is a great energy, full of peace and love- how refreshing! Namaste, ShaktiS ***
6] Awesome… I am very impressed… Your sound is crisp and clean. Very well engineered and produced. I love your vocal and music arrangements. Nice and fresh. Your changeups in the music are wonderful. Your lyrical themes are right up my alley. All in all, the 4 songs I heard are great. Thank you for letting me listen.
Rock on, In Your Eye To Save The Earth ***
7] Hey Brad, thanks so much for your message… your music is awesome! Tinks ***
8] your music is prittty awsome! Dara*Boo ***
9] your music is very inspiring. Bliss ***
10] I enjoyed your music. It is nice to hear good music with a positive message. United Religion ***
11] I was clicking through pages of unread messages and yours tripped me up and derailed the monotony :) I ended up on your profile, listening to your music, and all over thebradsound.com. I had a choice that was troubling me and my journey through your world brought me peace. Your music makes me feel good. I still have a choice to make but now that I am centered I know I am able. Thank you for the gifts you have shared.
Rob ***
12] I love your lyrics which is a very big thing in music for me. Namaste, Melissa
2] January 23, 2007 - Congratulations the brad sound! Listeners on American Idol Underground rated ["Higher Purity"] among the top 50 tracks in the Pop Genre during the previous week. [Came in at 46 out of roughly 800 songs.] See you on the site, The American Idol Underground Team. ***
3] April 24, 2007 - Congratulations the brad sound! Listeners on American Idol Underground have rated your song ["It's All Right"] among the top 50 tracks in the Pop genre during the previous week. [came in at 42 out of roughly 750 songs.] See you on the site, The American Idol Underground Team. ***
4] June 26, 2007 - Congratulations the brad sound! Listeners on American Idol Underground have rated your song ["Forgive Me"] among the top 50 tracks in the Pop genre during the previous week. [The song actually was 31 out of over 900 songs.] See you on the site, The American Idol Underground Team. ***
5] July 31, 2007 - Congratulations the brad sound! Listeners on American Idol Underground have rated your song ["It's All Right"] among the top 25 tracks in the Pop genre during the previous week. [Came in at 22 out of roughly 900 songs.] See you on the site, The American Idol Underground Team.
6] August 28, 2007 - Congratulations the brad sound! Listeners on American Idol Underground have rated your song ["Forgive Me"] among the top 50 tracks in the Pop genre during the previous week. [Came in at 32 out of roughly 950 songs.] See you on the site, The American Idol Underground Team.
7] September 4, 2007 - Congratulations the brad sound! Listeners on American Idol Underground have rated your song ["It's All Right"] among the top 20 tracks in the Pop genre during the previous week. [Came in at 17 out of roughly 950 songs.] See you on the site, The American Idol Underground Team.