Light & Salvation

Light & Salvation

Demolition Mans involvement in music started at the tender age of seven. His mother worked night shifts so he stayed at their neighbor's house. Mr. Chandler was a music instructor and gave Demo free piano and drum lessons.At the age of nine Demo went on the South bank show with his school and sang the famous 'Musical Youth' song "pass the Dutchie…" He then progressed on to studio time and recorded an audiocassette that was distributed to the local community.

In 1982 Demo and his family moved to Tottenham where his cousin's Tin - Tin, Syross and Terry -T were all musically inspired. He then went to Jamaica and found his musical enlightenment (on his fourth journey). Witnessing the residents of Jamaica enjoying a flavor of entertainment and listening to 'Studio one' sound system cassettes. Artists' such as Papa San, Lieutenant Stitchy, Daddy Wolf Man and Ricky Stereo were hot at that time. After this experience Demo began song writing and perfecting his craft in emcee-ing alongside his childhood friend, Tin-T
