Intents And Purposes

Intents And Purposes

Virgil Work, Jr. is a producer, songwriter, musician, vocalist and artist. Virgil's specialties include production, serious beats and percussion. Virgil has been been deeply involved with music over the years. Virgil's music has received airplay and sales in the United States, Canada, Japan and France.

Virgil co-founded the group A Work Of Art with his brother S.Work and co-founded the industrial group Workdub with Nick Georgieff.

Virgil's love for drums and percussion was manifested with his introduction to electronic musical instruments. Every musician that has played with Virgil has been amazed by his ability to add soul and feeling to electronic drums and percussion. Virgil expanded his special touch to live percussion instruments, keyboards and synthesizers and has written hundreds of compositions.

Virgil's "Rush From Rush Hour", "The Phases", "Instrumental Christmas", "Christmas Presence" and "Remember Christ On Christmas" CD'a are available here at the CD Baby online music store.
