Path to Reality

Path to Reality

When we started the band, we always had the idea of writing lyrics following an empathy attitude, so fans and all the people that support the band could link their feelings and daily situations with our message. Not just writing poetic music or a positive song with some major chords and four happy guys on stage. We wanted everyone banging their heads at the venue, not just by the music, but because they feel identified with the lyrics. After a bunch of songs pre-recorded on our rehearsal studio, we decided to choose four emblematic songs of Nightwalkers and make them part of the first recording for the international Metal music market, taking the 80’s Thrash/Heavy Metal main ideas, combined with some progressive rock lines and well performed use of modern Metal equipment.

On June 2013, we started recording drums with Rompiendo Bocinas Studio. We used a Mapex drum set. It took us 45 minutes to record all the tracks. After two months of mixing and equalizing, it came the turn of bass and guitars. Thanks to Lin
