Windows and Walls
The Mispent’s second album “Windows & Walls” is, on first listen a delightfully fresh, Pop/Rock/Folk concoction about grown up relationships; the surprise is that every return visit rewards the listener with new bittersweet insights. This is a record of substance that has the courage not to wear it on its sleeve. Emotional intelligence - with a somewhat dry wit, is behind music that tells universal human stories with empathy and no little charisma. This may well be an extension of the fact that Warrick Hayes, the band leader, and Guy Fearon, the lead guitarist, are drama school friends. The live shows certainly benefit as a result - the performances are gloriously charming; which makes for music that is both highly engaging and touching . It's rare indeed to witness such a vintage blend of talent. "For many reasons, there aren't enough intelligent, melody-driven, upbeat, adult-orientated bands that are new out there," says Warrick. "My focus is to make sure we're good enough to fill that void and do that job.