Forgetting the Past

Forgetting the Past

or·a·cle (ôr'ə-kəl, ŏr'-) n. 1. a divine communication or revelation. 2. any person or thing serving as an agency of divine communication. 3. oracles, the Scriptures; a command or revelation from God...... The goal and mission of Doug Gaither, aka Oracle, is to do just that: speak and live out the Word of God (1 Peter 4:11). This project deals with real life situations that people can relate with be encouraged from. Oracle is probably best known for his work within the ministry of Concrete Evangelists, a Christian hip-hop group out of Portland, Oregon. All tracks on this project are produced exclusively Don Christi'on of Genuine Life Productions. To purchase beats or to request any other services provided, you can reach them at and
