Give Thanks

Give Thanks

Through his songs, Chapman takes the listener on a journey in folk, rock, pop, and contemporary Christian idioms. Give Thanks brings a pleasing, easy sound to the ear and excitement to the soul.

Oliver began his career as a pan player in his native Trinidad with the bands at Carnival (Star Delta, Sputnik Stars, Sputnik, and the Sun Jets). Following this, he was the leader and founding member of "The Sparks". His association with the band lasted for 13 years from 1962 to 1975. In 1968, the group earned the distinction of having their first single climb to number five on the local charts. The song was titled "You Can't Lose Something You Never Had", and was written by Jeffrey Turpin.

In 1975, the Sparks changed their name to "Wildfire". Under the leadership of Oliver Chapman, they enjoyed tremendous success not only at home, but throughout the Caribbean. Wildfire broke up in 1985, and Oliver focused his efforts on a solo career as well as writing songs for other artists. His efforts imediately bore fruit, with Mavis John ("I Will Be Your Friend"), Junior Byron ("Cryin's Easy"), Peter Britto ("Sunday Morning"), Jackie Wonder("Sexy Lady You"), and Johnny Douglas ("To Hot To Loose") turning his compositioins into hits. Oliver also managed to record a couple of hits himself ("Tanty Say" & "Down in Point Cumana")

In recognition of this track record and an overall excellence in songwriting, Oliver was awarded a gold record by the President of Sure Shot Productions, Mr. Anthony Alexis.

His efforts today are still bearing fruit. Recently, Oliver received certificates of Honorable Mention from Billboard Magazine for two songs which placed in the top five hunderd out of 80,000 entries worldwide; "Give Thanks Everyone", in the Contemporary Christian Gospel category, and "The Price of the Future" in the Alternative Rock category. Both titles are featured on his new CD, co-produced with James Mironchik, "Give Thanks".
