Songs for the Dying
A brief explanation as to the "why" behind the album title:
I’ve been asked a lot what the name of the upcoming album is. Most conversations go like this:
“What’s the album called?”
“It’s going to be titled "Songs For the Dying.”“
"……so……what does that mean?”
I get it. The title might seem a little dramatic to some. To others-dark and depressing.
All understandable.
However, to me and my band mates, it’s perfectly fitting. And I’ll tell you why…
We’re all dying. Yes, in the physical sense of we will all die one day, but that’s not what I mean.
I’m referring to darkness.
Feelings of not being enough.
The things that pull us out of fully living life. Even if it is for a moment.
I grew up in a Christian home. Went to church every Sunday. Sang songs and read scriptures of hope and promise and freedom.
While I never disliked these songs and passages there were, and have been, many times in my life when those concepts of hope and promise seem