It's A Right-Handed World

It's A Right-Handed World

Formed in 1995, by Left-handed brothers Bill and Don Suders for the purpose of recording a studio album.
Bill started playing in bands at the age of 13, playing a Right-handed Bass Guitar upside down. He later took an interest in Keyboards and pretty much stuck with the ivory's ever since. Bill's younger brother by 10 years, Don also took up the Bass Guitar but purchased a Left-handed model to do the job. Bill and Don both played for years in different bands then eventually together in a few. Bill wrote many songs from 1981 to 1996 and Don also helped co-write a couple.
Armed with Keyboards, Sequencer, Bass Guitar and Acoustic Guitar; Bill and Don set out to produce their first album. BACK IN MY BABY'S ARMS was released in 1997, which was sold to friends and family.
In 1998 the brother's got the itch to do another album.
Instead of the digital drums and the lack of guitar work that their first album had, they decided to go a different direction by calling on friends and family musicians to help out in the Studio. Up to bat first for the Drum/Percussion part was long-time friend and classmate of Bill's,
Steve (Jake)Moore. Steve and Bill had played in bands & Jammed together since they were 14 years old, not to mention Jake is also Left-handed. Looking to fill a Rhythm Guitar slot, Don suggested his brother-in-law, Jon Gunter.
Jon turned out to be a perfect fit for the studio band.
Bill and Don knew who they needed to round out the band with his killer Lead Guitar work...Chris Kane.
Bill recorded the guys individually in his own studio,
Southpaw Studio B. After years of project set-backs their new album, IT'S A RIGHT-HANDED WORLD will be released this September 2010 for public sale..Maybe a future promotion tour? and another Album?
