"I enjoyed it!" - Guitarist Derek Bailey on the original issue of Canto
Canto is the seminal album of prepared guitar etudes that has established Mike Baggetta as one of his generation's most thoughtful and adventurous improvisors. Originally released in 2002 on the now defunct Optical Sounds label, this newly remastered and redesigned issue for Mabnotes Music captures the nuance and subtlety of tone that has become part of Baggetta's musical trademark. The music on this album is a completely original take on the inherent flexibility of the prepared guitar, its productive sounds and their application as melodic material. Testing the boundaries of form and aesthetics, Baggetta delivers a powerful musical statement that is sure to delight and challenge his listeners.
Guitarist Mike Baggetta is one of his generations most original jazz improvisors and composers. It has been said that his performances are "totally compelling" (Jazz Journal - UK), "his melodic sense is truly beautiful" (Jazzreview.com) and that