Target Of Your Favor
Will Derryberry
Target of Your Favor
California based troubadour Will Derryberry is serious about his spirituality but realizes it's often presented to the public within cozy, somewhat comfortable confines. Though he'll be the first to champion anyone singing for the glory of God, the singer/songwriter takes a much more heartfelt approach than cookie cutter clichés and providing predictable solutions to problems. Instead he writes or chooses material steeped in brooding observations, applies faith to action and realizes not every trial can be neatly tied up with a trite commentary.
"Some of the Christian albums I've listened to seem to be trapped in a safety net where there are no issues or struggles and everything is always happy," notes the guitar slinger. "I just made a conscious effort to be rooted in reality with whatever I'm singing and the same goes stylistically. There's never the bubblegum thing happening and I'm always trying something different."
A case in point comes on his solo debut Target of Your Favor, a collection of ten choice cuts brimming with truth and honesty. However that authenticity is nothing new for this ambitious artist, carrying over from his days fronting the Will Derryberry Band. Fans of that blues based operation can recall days of heavy touring through the western and southern states with a wide array of amazing opportunities. Impressive resume items include performances before a series of 25,000 member mega churches to prominent festivals like Spirit West Coast and Creation to opening slots for DC Talk, Delirious and Sonicflood.
"It provided an incredible outlet for my artistic expression and allowed me to tie in the blues genre with faith, which you don't find that often," Derryberry relates. "We got to travel around and meet a ton of amazing people, but eventually the other members went on to pursue other interests."
Upon that disbandment, the front man became a worship leader at a Sacramento area church and began testing the waters of playing out alone. Along the way he met up with artist manager/BMI published songwriter John Cordova (of Jc7 Productions) who liked what he heard and suggested putting together a batch of musicians and songs for the performer to record. Derryberry was intrigued with the idea of collaborating and soon found himself recording tracks co-penned by Cordova and Lou Carlozo (of Blue Lit Souls fame) along with a few original compositions.
"It was a new experiment for me, not only stepping out on my own but joining together with this team," says Derryberry of the collective that also included co-producer Danny Duncan and a series of seasoned session musicians. "It caused me to really shift gears musically and I found myself going away from the deep and dirty blues into more of a pop/alternative rock direction."
Though everything on Target of Your Favor (released through Carlozo's Feedback Records) still sports Derryberry's unmistakable vocals, it also encompasses a diverse new direction. Take for instance songs like the gutsy, guitar filled "A God Like You," the harmony heavy "Altar" and the funk focused "Out of the Darkness," which stir a sense of urgency and passion within the listener.
Equally enthralling is the earnestness throughout "Target of Your Favor," the proactive "Stand Up," the protective "Under His Wing" and the inspirational "Flying Higher," all showcasing Derryberry's distinctive growl and his backers' edgy instrumental precision. In addition, "More Than a Man" addresses what it's like to be covered with grace, "Father Smile" focuses on praise, while "Time" talks about living life to its fullest.
"I've approached this record in a way that believers and non-believers alike can dig into what I'm singing about," Derryberry summarizes. "I just hope to keep finding opportunities that can take this album further and to get it out in front of as many people as possible. In looking back, I feel like God's been positioning me and honoring the desires of my heart. I can only keep walking in that direction and continue to be thankful for the favor He's put upon me."
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