Teenage Delinquent

Teenage Delinquent

This is a soundtrack to an impetuous, fly-by-night and tentative film about rambunctious teenagers, high school romance, and rock n' roll. "It should sound BRASH, RAW, and LIVE!" the director said. This was before he decided that making the movie would not be a good idea. The soundtrack which eventually emerged from this cinematic chaos has only two of the three qualities mentioned. But, popular demand often transcends the logistics of a project. With this in mind, here is your official bootleg of the soundtrack to the film Teenage Delinquent. This was recorded by legendary rock-a-billy artist, Donel Austin. The Switch are: Mark Andrews guitar/vocals, Jay Riippi bass/vocals, Jason Hiland lead guitar, and Tom Hapeman Drums. Original art by C. Brent Riley. Additional credits for production include: Steve Stelling, Peter Geddeis, and Todd Krause.
