East Bronx Epiphany
Hard-working New York musician Dan Greenwald is the man behind the moniker The Workers. A musical force to be reckoned with during the '90s, the eclectic band was often compared to The Talking Heads meets Frank Zappa. The Workers released their first full-length album "East Bronx Epiphany" in 2000. This experimental punk-jazz magnum opus of old and new material was a top local seller at the Tower Records location in Yonkers, NY; and, allowed the band to continue to record new music and perform live to their growing fanbase. After many band shuffles thru the years The Workers became a solo outlet for its founder, and over the past decade Dan has continued to make music in New York. He returned to SkyeLab Studios, where he completed the first album, to record his second effort. With the help of songwriter Glenn Owens and studio musicians Jim Mussen and Mike Leslie, a second album was released in the fall of 2009. The e.p. entitled "Theatre of the Distraught" featured 4 songs that again captured the rock n' roll free spirit of The Workers. The e.p. has gotten attention from internet radio, and Dan's music was ultimately featured on legendary bassist Mike Watt's free-form radio show "Watt from Pedro Show." In 2011, Dan entered semi-retirement to actualize his lifelong dream of pursuing music full-time, with an emphasis on frequent live performance. Dan's potent songwriting ability has twice earned him the prestigious ASCAPLUS Popular Division Award. Finally, Dan's new video-Janine-was featured in Episode 48 of the highly selective TV program The Indie Music Video Show (TIMVS). TIMVS broadcasts to a potential viewing audience of 4 million via public access TV across America and the internet.