

First appearing in 2003 as an excuse to get into pubs underage. Since then we've been steadily gaining weight, members and some idea of how to use instruments.

We as a band are loud, drunk, smelly and unhealthy, with a combined alcohol tolerance of 800 pints per day. We are pro smoking, pro drinking, and activly encourage legalising EVERYTHING. We play metal as it should be, no-nonsense head-banging music from start to finish with regular intervals for trips to the bar and cigarette breaks. We are completely fringe free and have no dress sense, but most importantly, the words 'scene' 'core' and 'post' do not in any way describe our music

And now with a line up more hairy than a wookie, more metal than a cargo ship and more brutal than God, we are ready to go forth and spread the word. and that word is.................
