With my roommate’s cat crying for attention, I sat down on January 1, 2011 and began recording this album. My intention was to perform 12 compact improvisational tracks ranging from 2 to 7 minutes until they equaled an hour of music. In less than two weeks, I had finished the recording phase of the album, and set to mixing and mastering for the next month and a half.
The only instrument used is a Roland 700sx stage synthesizer, which enabled me to expand the spectrum of sound as a continuation and evolutionary step forward from my previous album. The simulation of Singing Bowls and finely tuned oscillation techniques throughout the piece, offer a smooth, relaxing, and unique experience that brings the listener into a sacred space of shared equanimity.
My mixing techniques on this album have truly evolved from my previous work, and I have found that fine tuning, tweaking, experimenting, and stubborn patience have brought huge rewards as I birthed the final product.
With the exception of one song, this album is entirely a work of improvisation. My guiding technique was to simply press the record button as I put my trust in the simple truth that life is a series of serendipitous moments, unplanned and unrehearsed, though built upon fundamental structures and patterns from which all life grows.