Big Wave Dave Takes a Dive

Big Wave Dave Takes a Dive

Big Wave Dave (David Anas) has been a Summit County Colorado local for 7 years. He has hosted the open mic night in Dillon Colorado and has been writing music since he can remember. Moving to Summit County Colorado from Detroit Michigan, Dave has had the opportunity to reflect upon this immense change of scenery. Dave left the city and moved to a more remote location where he could ski and enjoy nature and the good life in the mountains. This music is a reflection of his move and the experiences that he has had along the way.

Hosting the open mic night at the local bar, Dave had the opportunity to meet many great musicians. The ski area population always has new musicians coming and going. Big Wave Dave met Chadwick Kenyon while doing the open mic. He was immediately impressed with the great guitar playing ability and massive amount of original material that Chadwick had. Dave knew that he was going to be making great music with him for a long time to come. Big Wave Dave wanted Chadwick to be a part of his music and he knew it!

Chadwick Kenyon, is a guitar player in his early 20's from Seattle, Wa. He has a wide repertoire of traditional rock and roll guitar songs and a style that compliments his life on the edge personality. He befriended Dave and they started playing together at bars around the ski areas of Colorado. The Duo wrote Future Fading Fast one night with the additional help of Tracy Church who was a regular singer at the open mic night.

Anthony Jacobs met Dave through Chadwick Kenyon. Anthony was new to the ski area and had worked on a slew of other projects with other musicians in the Colorado area. He had a recording studio set up and was working on an album with Chadwick at the time.

One night during the open mic, he heard Dave's song A-basin Snowin' Anthony was impressed with the song and told Dave that they should work on producing the song some day. Eventually that comment came into fruition and they laid down the track. That was the start to a 2 year endeavor to create Big Wave Dave Takes a Dive.

The Trio had no intention of completing an entire album together at first. They tracked the song about the ski area, and did some other advertising work for some local businesses and Chadwick eventually moved away from the mountains. Dave and Anthony continued to work on the album and kept coming up with more songs. They laid down the foundation to the album over the course of the first year.

With the additional songs, there was a need for more lead guitar work. As the album came to light, Dave and Anthony decided that they would reunite with Chadwick and record his leads in Phoenix Az. They packed up the car with as much recording equipment as they could and they headed to the desert. The trip ended up being a real adventure with Dave and Anthony staying on a houseboat at Apache Lake, getting lost in the middle of nowhere, almost running out of gas, meeting some great people along the way and jamming quite a bit.

They finally made it to Chadwick where they met and played the songs for him. He was able to nail the guitar tracks with ease in a relatively short impromptu recording session. Chadwick had played the songs many times with Dave in the past and most of it was a no brainer. The trio went on the finish writing "Christmas Carols" during that session. Writing a christmas song in the 117 degree heat was definitely worth laughing about at the time.

2 years, 1 crazy trip to Arizona, 3 studio moves, and many hours mixing later, the album is finished. We now present to you, Big Wave Dave Takes a Dive.
