Extended Versions

Extended Versions

Starz Extended Versions - incredible live recording made in 2004 and released in 2006 from the legendary \'70\'s rockers, Starz:

“The most underrated band to ever hit a Rock n’ Roll stage! Showmanship, sleezy, thoughtful lyrics and musical prowess makes this band a true Rock n’ Roll underground legend that true idols are cut from. If you missed them the first time around, well, attention shoppers, you better pay attention now!” – Rikki Rockett/Poison

“1976 had Aerosmith, and yeah, it had Kiss, but back then this was new and only I had them. Starz was dirty Rock n’ Roll, where every teenager hangs – suspended between great rock beats and pop melodies from hell – Starz was Motley Crue before Motley Crue!” – Nikki Sixx/Motley Crue

