Who Will You Serve the Kingdom or The World

Who Will You Serve the Kingdom or The World

I was born at Grady Memorial Hospital in the great city of Atlanta Georgia, I wasn't rich. I was raised in the projects and got a hood degree; Grady Homes; Carver Homes; Glenwood; Boulder Crest; all the way to Collage Park; I think you get my meaning. With that being said, what I have learned is:" It's not where you're from its where you're going." It took me a long time and a lot of twist and turns and ups and downs to learn that -- I was on a fast track to hell.

I thank my Father in heaven for sending Jesus to die on the cross, take those keys of life and death, and to rise and live for MY life. GOD IS GOOD!!! Now because of all that, I can spread the GOOD NEWS of Jesus through the music that I love to do. It is my passion in life to see our youth and younger generations listen to music that won't kill them spiritually. Believe it or not there is an unseen enemy trying to kill you. HE CAN'T WIN IF YOU USE YOUR WEAPONS AGAINST HIM!!! THE WORD OF GOD AND YOUR MOUTH ARE WEAPONS. That is why my music is for God.

The word in my spirit comes out of my mouth in song, as you sing along the word gets in you and comes out of you. GLORAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

My prayer is that you don't just listen to the beats but pay attention to the words. Get your bibles and check me out to see the truth for yourself. Allow God to lead your life. Send me testimonies and praise reports all the glory belongs to God, I just like hearing how my God works. The best thing you can do for yourself is get God and Keep God first and foremost in your life!!!!

God will always have your back, your front, your left and right!!!!!
