

Experience the soul-stirring chants and primal beats of drumming that have echoed through the ages. "Alkebulan," a mesmerizing collection of melodies, pays homage to the very essence of Africa's vibrant cultural heritage.

Derived from the ancient word for "mother of mankind," Alkebulan stands as a testament to Africa's indomitable spirit and limitless creativity. From the expansive Sahara to the verdant rainforests, from bustling cities to serene villages, this EP encapsulates the diverse and breathtaking beauty of a continent that has left an indelible mark on the world.

More than just a compilation of songs, "Alkebulan" serves as a sonic tribute to the tapestry of cultures, traditions, and stories that weave together to form the African continent. It beckons listeners to immerse themselves in the raw energy of Africa's music, inviting them to feel the heartbeat of a land that continues to inspire and captivate.

Embark on this melodic journey and let "Alkebulan" transport you to the beating heart of Africa, where every note resonates with the rich history and profound influence of a continent that has shaped the very fabric of our world.
