Be Still and Breathe

Be Still and Breathe

A brand-new listening experience to take you into a higher state of consciousness.
This set of two CDs has been created for personal and spiritual growth by the team of Sharon West (, music and voice; and Dorothy May, PhD (Google Dorothy May Phd), guided imagery.

This CD is designed for anyone from the novice to experienced . . . anyone seeking relaxation, healing and meditation. Through this listening experience, you will learn to use music and guided imagery with affirmations to improve your life, achieve personal goals and raise your consciousness.

BE STILL AND BREATHE is a transformational meditation that combines the music of Sharon West and the imagery of Dorothy May. On CD 1, the music and guided imagery combine to provide a unique experience that facilitates deep and lasting change wherein your heart is fed and your soul sings its own song. It heals, soothes and comforts as we are drawn into our physical body while our mind is engaged with new concepts, and our emotions are pleased with vivid imagery. This experience is presented in a spiritual context that transforms our state of consciousness like a concordance of harmonious melody.

The second CD contains all the background music inspired by the guided imagery meditations on CD 1 and can be used for quieter meditation, relaxation and healing on its own.

Each CD is approximately 68 minutes long, but is designed for the individual meditations and music to be listened to in whatever smaller time segments the listener desires. The 16 page insert contains all 14 Meditations in text format.

DOROTHY MAY, PhD has been using guided imagery for thirty years in her private practice of psychospiritual therapy. SHARON WEST, music composer, has composed and produced 4 original instrumental music CDs and a holiday music CD prior to working on this project with Dorothy. We invite you to share in the delight that this work has given us. We lovingly share this manna with all who desire change and growth in their lives, as well as those seeking general relaxation and healing.
Visit Dorothy May at
