All for Christmas

All for Christmas

Thank You for your interest. Feedback is very important to me so if you are good enough to download or purchase any of my music, please take a moment to write a review.

Who can say what it is that makes us who we are? When I was eight, I began writing poems and by age twelve, with a hand-me-down guitar in hand, I was writing songs. I enjoyed singing too and soon became a singer/songwriter/ performer.
The imagery and emotions conveyed in a simple ballad always moved me the most. Growing up with changes in contemporary music around me, my journey went from folk music on through a host of various rock bands and into progressive rock and back again.
I was blessed all along the way to work with many talented people who helped me shape my music. Fortunate to be born and raised in Bucks County PA, a creative area set in a backdrop of beautiful landscapes inspired me. But no matter what I have done in life, I've always considered myself first, a singer/songwriter.
I hope you enjoy my music and find something speci


