All Your Base Station Are Belong To Us

All Your Base Station Are Belong To Us

Mad Malcolm is a one-man team of digital music creation. He\'s a writer, artist, composer and keyboardist with jazz influences. He has a deep love for the arts, the beats, the funky music, the newest technology and the underground culture that help create enlightenment through shared experiences. Energy, music, technology...

Mad Malcolm now produces original music from his home studio in WA... In the early years he spent time working for Ervin Entertainment in a basement studio creating Hip-Hop, R&B beats, and background tracks. During this time he decided to continue on with jazz studies and pursue his own material. With a minor in Music from Eastern Washington University, and a BA in Marketing, Mad Malcolm took his love of music into the studio. He began using Sonic Foundry\'s Acid Pro and Sound Forge for sampling and sequencing and the beats just seemed to flow from his fingers. As an ex-PC guy turned Mac user, Mad Malcolm now uses Apple\'s Logic, Soundtrack, and Garageband software for recording and
