Put Down That Baby and Fight!
CD Review of
Put Down That Baby and Fight!
By mojophilter on wnymusic.com
Before we begin, I suppose I should put forth this disclaimer:
I know the guys in Middleman. We’ve played shows with them and I consider them friends. I was predisposed to like “Put Down that Baby…” from a couple years of familiarity. That said, I dare anybody to dislike this CD.
When I was 19 the legal drinking age was raised to 21. I had waited so long to be legal only to have the joy of public intoxication taken away from me. Similarly, all too often, I have had the experience of eagerly waiting for the release of an album only to be sorely disappointed when I finally dropped the needle. This was my biggest fear when I put Middleman’s Put Down That Baby and Fight CD into the tray. I’m a fan of the band, and have been looking forward to this disc since the moment I heard “People in Cars” almost two years ago.
I was not disappointed.
Simply put, this is a great disc, local or otherwise. It’s as if Middleman threw every great pop a