prayers from the underbelly
Founded in New Mexico in 2003 by conductor/composer/performer Molly Sturges, mJane is a project which brings together a wide range of improvisational and compositional ideas through live conduction systems (comprised of hand and eye signals) to create an ever-changing sonic environment belonging uniquely to each performance. Consisting of both electronic and acoustic instrumentation, mJane works between intimate and ambient, body and space. mJane relies on highly sophisticated forms of musical communication between ensemble members to reach into subtle and expected musical realms. mJane consists of: Molly Jane Sturges conduction/composition/vocals/harmonium, CK Barlow-sampling/live sampling, DJ Ultraviolet (Shawn O'Neal)-turntables, Mustafa Stefan Dill-Oud and Jefferson Voorhees-drums/percussion.
As the primary vocalist in the project, Sturges approaches voice as instrument, expressessing herself through vocables with limited use of lyrics. Drawing from vocal resonance in the body, she seeks to get beneath tr