

Former Hammerbox/Orbiter/Sanford Arms guitarist Harris Thurmond and longtime musical collaborator Jeff Wood (also of Orbiter) took a hiatus from Orbiter in late 2003. It was during this time that Thurmond began writing new material, material that wasn't right for Orbiter, leaning more towards the sound of Hammerbox's frenetic and noisy guitar-pop.  It was decided this material should be represented by a new band with a new name.

Enter Kingsley.

Adding friend Robert Dent on drums (formerly of Sanford Arms), and Billy Brush on keyboards, the quartet fleshed out Thurmond's songs and began to play locally.  Soon thereafter the band entered the studio to record Kingsley's debut full-length. With Kip Beelman (Sleater-Kinney, Long Winters) behind the board, the band recorded their eponymous debut at Soundhouse Studios.
