Keep On Happy

Keep On Happy

EVARO band frontman Gene Evaro Jr. lands song on the major network television show "Deadliest Catch".

"Past Pain" a song written by Gene Evaro Jr. was aired on July 27. 2010 on The Discovery Channel's Season Finale of "The Deadliest Catch". "It has been such an amazing experience" says Gene, "The events that had led up to our crossing of paths with the inspiring life and story of Phil Harris holds a strong place in our hearts and our road as well."

With much success, the song has already generated an incredible response online from viewers and fans of the show from all over the country!

I have been a writer all of my life. I first started out recording ideas on my dads cassette tape deck playing the keyboard, singing about what I knew. My friends, the bus, and any topic that you can imagine a 5 year old shamelessly singing about. I grew in the studio with my dad. He was always writing, always working, always recording. Whether it was a full band or just him, countless times did i fall asleep under
