Bamalovesoul Presents On Deck
"This compilation shows you what soulful music is all about, different genres yes, but still soulful and made on purpose or not I think that most tracks have the same vibe. And I discovered great new voices like Soia or Xolisa, this compilation was made for the summer."
- LeFtO (Brownswood Recs / www.Lefto.be)
“I’ve known DJ Rahdu for a while and his ear for identifying quality musical gems is uncanny. If you don’t believe me, just check his website Bamalovesoul.com. His first official release “On Deck” doesn’t disappoint. This musical collage has honest, soulful music from some of the best artists on the scene. Do yourself a favor and purchase this release right away! You can thank me later ;) “
-Dj Junior (Record Breakin’ Music / Eavesdrop Radio, Philly)
“Ace line up and very interesting project givingeven more strength to the BamaLoveSoul project. More of that!”
- Julien (Laidback Radio/ Brussels –Belgium)
“I love this CD!”
D-Nice (Moods Music /Atlanta, Ga)
"Its a simple 2 part equation for me.