Greeley Sessions

Greeley Sessions

Erik Smith and the Yes Men

This touring band has played from as far east as West Virginia to the West Coast capturing excitement and attention everywhere they play. Their latest album, Greeley Sessions, has been two years in the making, proving to be ESYM’s most anticipated record. Combined, this band shares an incredibly diverse set of influences such as Chicago, Tower of Power, Billy Joel, Elton John, Eagles, and the Funk Brothers of the past, all the way to Daniel Bettingfield, John Mayer, Dave Matthews, Jason Maraz, and Death Cab for Cutie of today. Each member of ESYM has been trained at the collegate level in Jazz Studies, Classical Performance and Theory, and has performed in a multitude of concerts both as solo artists and as a group.

These are a few comments that ESYM has been receiving:

“The new album is amazing. Every song has its own personality, sound, and vision - great music, great sound, great guys. Keep an ear out for these guys.”
– Andres Sena, DJ, 90.7 FM KZUU

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