Y En Tu Casa Moraré

Y En Tu Casa Moraré

Nelson Feliciano was born in Santurce Puerto Rico and at the age of 10 yrs. old his Family moved to the State of Mass. There in a City call Worcester he was raised.At the age of 14 yrs old, he had his first profound encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ in a small Church call The Disciples of Christ. Once involve in the activities among the young people, he became aware of his passion and talent the Lord has put in his life. From there on he decided to pursue it and develop it. Being one of the young people at that time he became the youth President for the period of 3 yrs. As time pass he began to grow in Gods word and developed the talent that the Lord as put in him. To Nelson Worshiping is not just a matter of singing but a matter of Honoring and giving all the Praise and Worship to the Lord Jesus Christ, and that doesn't mean just singing. You see, to him Worship is not a matter of singing, singing is simply a form of decorating the Praise and Worship. King David of Israel, before he became King, was a simple shepherd, a person out of God's own heart. David was requested to play the harp and sing for King Saul. By hearing psalmist David, he was having some kind of relief and consolation of his disobedience status.Yet through the praise and worship of David he was able to be consoled. Nelson see's himself as a Psalmist for the blessing of the Church,and at the same time for those out of the realm of the Church, as an interpreter of the good news which by hearing it and opening the ears of there heart not only will they receive hope and consolation, but also the Salvation which was promise to us all,as long as we respond to his calling.He believes "you sing with your voice and worship with the heart"His songs speaks fot it self. Crowning the Lord with praise,Jesus the only light,the only one who walked us through the darkest valley and convert it into the Lilies of The valley, but also to gives love when no one gave you time of day.Who are we that he is mindful of us,that he hears us when we call. This has touched him, so therefore he most share it with us all.May The Lord bless you all, with this anointed Psalmist of God;....Nelson Feliciano.

Spanish Note:

Nelson Feliciano nacio en Santurce Puerto Rico y a los 10 anos de edad su Familia se mudaron para los Estado Unidos en Worcester, Mass. A los 14 anos de edad tuvo su profundo encuentro personal con el Senor Jesus. Uniendose a los jovenes fue elegido presindente de la juventud por 3 anos. Creciendo en la palabra y teniendo parte en el grupo de la adoracion, se desarollo una gran passion por la adoracion a traves de la musica y el cantico.
Admira mucho al Rey David de Israel, que en un tiempo antes de ser rey, fue un simple pastor de oveja con mucho temor a Dios. Fue un hombre escogido directamente del corazon de Dios, y tambien un escritor de los Salmos por la cual son canciones dedicadas a Dios. El rey Saul fue el rey antes de que David lo fuera, y estando en desobediencia con Dios, Saul lo mandaba a buscar para que le cantara y tocara el arpa. Al oir las alabanzas y adoraciones de David le era de gran consolacion. El cantar y el tocar el arpa era parte de la razon por la cual el rey Saul recibia consolacion, pero muy bien sabemos que tenia mucho mas que ver, de que fuente fluia esta adoracion y alabanza. Salia de un joven completamente conectado y dedicado a Dios. Nos referimos a David como el salmista ungido de Dios. Podemos decir que Nelson es uno de los salmista ungido de este tiempo, como muchos mas en el ministerio. Nelson dice, se canta con la boca pero se adora con el corazon" y eso es lo que hace la gran diferencia entre un cantante y un salmista. El mensage de las canciones del salmista hablan por si mismo. Jesus te brindaremos loor porque tu eres la unica y sola luz para dirigirnos por oscuros valles. Porque eres el lirio de los valles y nos permites alzar nuestros ojos a los montes de donde vendra nuestro socorro. Nos dio amor cuando nadie nos quiso amar y quienes somos que en sus pensamientos siempre estamos, y Cuando llamamos siempre responde. Es verdad el nos ama y nos hiso su amigo e hijos redimidos. Este es el mensaje que Nelson quiere transmitir para bendicion de la Iglesia y esperanza y salvacion a todo aquel amigo oyente que lo escuche.
