2012 (established in 2005) is the result of 20 years of musical experience on many levels. Ever since he was born Lewis Hurrell has always been very sensitive to sound. At the age of eight he was given a small keyboard, it was only about a foot long with around 20 keys built into it. After figuring out what notes sounded good together he started piecing together songs. About a year later he was lucky enough for his family to buy a regular sized piano which expanded the world of music for Lewis. He hadn't ever performed before and when he was given the opportunity to play for a benefit in New York City he jumped at the opportunity. Playing in front of all those people and seeing the looks on their faces was a very powerful thing for a 12 year old piano player to see and feel. Lewis then after continued to make more and more music, learning from his mistakes and growing from them. He never took any lessons. It wasn't until the end of his senior year in High School that Lewis started to take off on his musical career. Until that point he had been involved in a serious relationship for over a year with a person he truly could say "I love you" to. When she went away to college they had to say goodbye. It was at this very moment that Lewis knew what he wanted to do with the rest of his life. Soon after this time, Lewis and a co-worker created the Indie label TwentyTwelveRecords featuring 2012 as the artist and released an album entitled Vision. 2012's album debut "vision" was released on december 13th, 2005. Each track on the album portrays a different mood and sound. It is the first album of 2012, and it definitley won't be the last. Look for 2012's upcoming album "Peter's Son" in the near future of 2006.