Keith Dotson with KGB
Born in his hometown of Toledo Ohio, Keith has been singing since age 5. At age 11, he performed periodically in local night clubs around town. In his earlier years, Keith sang gospel with the Gospel Highlights and the Eveready's in Detroit, MI. Following ten years of gospel singing, Keith proceeded on, performing in nightclubs where he has entertained ever since.
About 10 years ago, Keith joined several other talented local entertainers, Glen McFarland, Bruce Sims, Gerald Foster and Ms. Karen Harris. They first performed together at the Peacock Cafe, a Toledo nightclub, where the K.(Keith) G.(Glen) B.(Bruce)was born. KGB. They currently perform regularly in the Detroit and Toledo areas, at many established nightclubs. This dynamic combination also performs at private parties and functions. Keith keeps busy singing with the KGB, as well as on his own and with other talented entertainers as Keith Dotson & Company.
Keith's first CD titled, Old School "1999 or is it 2000" was released January 2000. Thi