Triple Talk

Triple Talk

What’s in a name? you ask yourself. How come you call it Triple Talk?
Simple. There’s ‘talk’ we hear all the time that mostly makes sense. And there’s
‘double talk’ that we also hear now and then that makes mostly fun nonsense.
And now there’s ‘triple talk’ that is a silly serious mix of sense and nonsense
and that happy/sad place somewhere in between. The proof when it happens
is what Triple Talk tries to do. Check it out. Would I lie to you?

Think a Thought (who knows where a thought'll go) 4:23
Noxt (time's teeter totter) 1:37
Tick Tock Fugue (tick talks to tock) 2:57
Tape Recorder (you can't play anything back on) 2:18
Movie Idea (requires a lot of ego) 2:43
The Bub (big money-making ideas) 8:04
Bickering (getting along) 2:14
Mister City (show biz) 3:25
Infinite O’Clock (what o'clock is it) 4:11
Ripples (lovely little fellas) 3:23
Movers and Shakers (the power brokers) 6:01
Beer and a Shot (talking to yourself) 3:36

Triple Talk was originally released as a cassette t
