Christmas Jazz - Vom Leuchten Der Sterne
MISHA: a German singer-songwriter currently living in Moscow, attempts to fuse jazz and poetry, emotions and sophistication, and molds various styles and techniques into something new, something unusual – something one could
call "expat jazz".
Originally from Germany, Misha now lives in Moscow where she works as a singer and songwriter and teaches improvisation and vocal technique. She works with some of Moscow's jazz greats like Sergej Manoukian, the Vladimir Nesterenko Trio (Vladimir Nesterenko piano, Makar Novikov Bass, Aleksandr Zinger drums), the Jakov Okun Trio (Jakov Okun piano, Anton Revnjuk bass, Aleksandr Mashyn drums), Ewgenij Boretz and others. She also performs with various
formations in Russia, Eastern Europe and Germany. Her first album "With a bit of your love" was released in May 2004 at Rodenstein Records, her second album "Early
Train" appeared in August 2006 at Hofa, followed by her third album „Quadratur des Kreises"(Squaring the Circle) in 2008. Her new album „Christmas Jazz – Vom Leuchten der Sterne" –> link setzen ("Christmas Jazz – as the
stars shine") has been released just in time for Christmas 2008.
Misha's Friends, it is under this name that Misha has been performing with various musicians in Moscow for several years. In the last couple of years, however, Vladimir Nesterenko has been a frequent pianist with
her. (www.myspace.com/vladimirnesterenko)
The arranger and composer is an exceptional among Russia's young jazz musicians. While his focus is on modern jazz, he confidently moves in-between styles and doesn't shy away from fusing different musical directions. Misha's collaboration with Vladimir has brought out Mishas latest CD „Christmas Jazz – Vom Leuchten der Sterne", which, in a remarkable way, shows the class of Misha's musicians.
They go beyond merely copying the songs,they breathe new life into those charming gems of German music history and, together with Anton Revniouk on contra bass and David Tkebutshava on drums, turn them into jazzy delicacies.