Absolute Defines...the Process

Absolute Defines...the Process

Absolute’s Biography

Portia Bryant, artistically known as Absolute is a very happy, fun loving, and dynamic individual. Aside from being a music artist, she is a natural born leader, a teacher, and extremely passionate about making a positive impact in the lives of youth. Part of her ministry is to enlighten and inspire esteem and prosperity by influencing others to develop a personal relationship with Christ.

Since birth, Absolute has been artistically inclined. Throughout the years, God has been directing her footsteps. She sings, writes poetry, and has recently added the popular genre of hip-hop and rap to her repertoire.

After graduating from Old Dominion University, Spring 2005, Absolute is now pursuing her Master’s in Business Administration (MBA), which will be completed December 2007. She has gone on to design a program servicing youth, create a new clothing line, and complete her latest album, “Absolute Defines…the Process.”

Absolute loves to get into her “quiet place” to hear a fresh word from the Lord and enjoys having a word on her heart to be able to encourage and uplift those that God places in her path. Her music vibrantly shows her relationship with God as she eloquently and effortlessly speaks from the heart.

After sporadically performing at various venues around Northern Virginia, D.C., Maryland, throughout Hampton Roads, and recently, Oakland, CA. Absolute sees that the music God has given her is giving her an opportunity to be used by God to disciple others.

As assuredly as she is a covered and blessed member of Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church in Norfolk, VA, be prepared to continually see great things from this great woman of God as she continues to write, sing, rap, produce music, and make a difference in the community for the benefit of the Kingdom.

Absolute – unconditional, without restraint, perfect (with Christ), complete.
