Untouchable Voices
"A story is the shortest distance between people."- Pat Speigh
Giving voice to unheard stories of Dalit people in Rajasthan, India, Untouchable Voices is a performance that fuses a passion for music and theatre with a zeal for social justice. In this original work actor Anna Procter and singer-songwriter Tabea Mangelsdorf weave together monologues and songs based on personal interviews gathered in India during October of 2009. These conversations with Dalits, people socially outcast because they are considered below the four divisions of the Hindu caste system, inspired a piece of art that seeks to amplify their voices.
Untouchable Voices generates specific awareness about Dalits, ignites greater empathy toward minorities, and challenges our standards of compassion for our fellow man. Touching on important social themes of identity, equality, and power, the monologues are based on real people sharing individual experiences. The songs reflect on larger questions that emerge.