Shadows of Drifting Dust

Shadows of Drifting Dust

All material for Shadows Of Drifting Dust was written, played, recorded and produced by BlindººCoyote @ Chumberos, Spain, 2011-2014. (Nearly) all artwork, including artwork for the individual tracks, by Drem Bruinsma. Mastered by Jeffrey De Gans, The Netherlands. Album cover movie stills by Tom van Overberghe. Dedicated to my late mother. Originally released February 1st 2014 on Bandcamp, and as a limited edition physical CD in August of 2014.

"Archie´s Sweet Revenge" (track 4) and "Theme For Archie" (track 9) were part of a soundtrack that BlindººCoyote wrote for an animation film dedicated to the archaic robot and cartoon hero from the 1950´s: Archie, Man Of Steel.

"Crossing The Rumble Strip" (track 5): ...About the zeitgeist, this omnipresent insecurity and uncertainty in current times of economies tumbling down and forced dismantling of the welfare state, about this obvious consolidation of power and about increasing civil resistance. The moment is nearing when we cross the Rumble Strip...

"Rainbow in Tones of Grey" (track 6): Dark and layered, abstract, yet guided by a fragile tonal chord scheme, with a drone-like and deep bass line carrying a cut-up collage of more-or-less processed field recordings that Drem Bruinsma made for a multi-media project commissioned by the French ministry of Culture, as part of his contribution to the project Un Train Pour La Revolucion, 1989.

"Weltschmerz" (track 7): Epic, orchestral score fitting the greater dramas on celluloid. Appeared in a vocal version on the album "Brown Reads John Keats" (and on CD, 7" vinyl single and vinyl LP, released through SubRosa and later through NeoAcustica). A full decade later it also served as a movie endtitle track ("Syzygie", by JP Sens)...

"Seven Sorrows" (track 8): I pulled this theme from the early 1990's into the present day with a total overhaul. It could well serve as an end-title theme for a movie. The overall feeling you get is that this one tells you of a lot of things lived, experienced and seen, all condensed in a musical goodbye. Melancholic, yet with total awareness and clarity.

"Dismissed" (track 10): dedicated to the people of the Wehea, a disappearing tribe in danger of extinction, located in the southeastern jungle of the Indonesian island of Kalimantan. Track contains fragments of original field recordings.

"Yellow Monsoon" (track 11): dust, heat, heavy humidity foreboding a downpoor, sticky sweat and being helplessly submerged in the frenetic pace of a southeast Asian city bordering a wide muddy river...

"Saudades de Bruxelas" (track 12): written in the early nineties and based on, or inspired by the author's gloomy moods while living in the Belgian capital. Remix version for this album.

tags: electronic avant-garde blindººcoyote contemporary downtempo electro-waltz ethnotronic experimental glitch idm indie score space-jazz glitch hop Spain

BlindººCoyote is a Dutch-born tonemaster/producer previously located in the U.S. and in Brussels, Belgium. but presently working from his studio in southeastern Spain. He started out using analogue modular synthesizers and tape loops in the late 1970´s and has since evolved along with the progressions of electronic music up until today, yet taking a rather personal approach, as reflected in his entire musical output, which includes 7 full-length albums and numerous single tracks. He has released album CDs for Materiali Sonori (Italy) and MSI (France), a vinyl EP for OffWorld (London), wrote musical scores for modern dance, video projects, art installations and theatre, as well as soundtracks and scores for film and documentary. He has been collaborating with a.o. the individual members of Tuxedomoon, Minimal Compact, Sussan Deyhim, Pèninsolar, Dirk Bruinsma and Phil Ogison.

"I find inspiration in the physical world that surrounds us, just as much as within the fabric of my own mental and emotional processes. I can be moved by empty landscapes or abandoned factories, by works of art, some deep connections with intimacy or a startled deer in my headlights. I can be tripped up by social unjustice and political shortsightedness. Or deeply moved by the daily routines of indigenous people. But I'd like to isolate myself when I percieve something as musically inspiring, in order to open up to a process of assimilation, that can transform into a work process, resulting e.g. in a basic chord structure or some rytrhmical sequence, a musical phrase, a starting point...but some stuff needs time to breed under your skin, in silence, in order to manifest in due time, you can't force it...Applying advanced tracking or summing techniques onto a project that was poor to begin with won't lift it to a higher level "
